The term of pay off amount is the amount you must actually pay to satisfy the debt. It will include all the amounts you must settle, including interest up to the day you intend to pay off the loan, fees or costs incurred, etc.
To get a payoff amount, you generally need to request it from the servicer. Your loan servicer will then prepare the statement, which will include the total amount you owe and a date that the amount is good through. In addition, it will provide instructions on how to wire the payment or where to send a check.
If you are a holder of a loan administered by us, you should be aware that FCI provides contact information to formally request a payoff demand that will provide the specific details and amount needed to pay off your loan.
The following brief animated explanatory video explains the process of how to resquest a payoff demand and how FCI’s industry leading API technology expedites this process.
Please remember go either to your Borrower Login Portal or for the email or phone number to request a payoff demand. Remember also that if your loan is a mortgage loan you can follow these 10 steps to pay off your debt.
If you have more questions about a how request a payoff demand of your loan please feel free to contact FCI Customer Service at (800) 931-2424 x651, or email